Vol. 1 No. 1-2 (2010)
Theoretical Studies

Novel Influential Tendencies in External Environment and Conditionality of Organizations Research, Development and Innovation Activities

Éva Vojtek
University of Pécs

Published 01-08-2010


  • innovation,
  • globalization,
  • network economy


The organizations – large multinational corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, or even non-economic nonprofit organizations, like foundations, associations – are far from being independent from their environment. From the date of their establishment these firms have close contact with the surrounding direct and general conditionality, which determines each element of their life cycle with its complex, dynamically changing nature following the trends in the various political, economic, social and other factors. Adequate organizational development and innovation activity can be achieved only with the adjustment to the external atmosphere, with the elimination of disadvantages and risks, and the exploitation of the potentials and benefits inherent to the external environment. This almost constantly changing climate encourages organizations to renew continuously and react quickly, particularly in the current global economic conditions.
Today’s world of globalisation witnesses a rise in the value of cultural and creative industries. In the restructuring of the world economy for organizations the primary challenge is to adapt to the external conditionality, which is very important for maintaining and improving their competitive advantage and market position. Efficacies present around organizations can be categorised by a number of ways based on their nature, extent and influential power. Present study is trying to explore the phenomenon of globalisation such as the changed criteria for businesses to operate and within which they have to develop their innovative activity.
This new environment has effects on almost every area of corporations life, like the the production, the transportation of the products, and their communication, etc. For the effect of the acceleration of the technological developments the firm’s long-term sustainable competitiveness can only be realized by developing new (specific) products and services, using new and more effective production processes and organizational systems. In these innovation activities and changes the human resource has a very special and important role; namely, the human factor is in the focus, when we talk about development and effectiveness.