Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024)

Addressing Intercultural Organisational Challenges

Dániel Molnár
Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete, Kőszeg

Published 28-06-2024


  • work culture,
  • organizational culture,
  • intercultural management


Since the political transition, the number of organizations operating in Hungary that can be considered multicultural has been continuously increasing. Multiculturalism can manifest itself in several ways: there are foreign-owned Hungarian enterprises, partly operated by foreign management, Hungarian subsidiaries, enterprises employing foreign guest workers, and also organizations which, although owned by Hungarians, have their headquarters in Hungary and employ Hungarian workers, a significant part of which is carried out abroad their value-creating activities. The thesis is based on the assumption that the management of multicultural organizations in Hungary presents specific management challenges for management members, which can be explained partly by the technical difficulties of interculturality and partly by the tensions between the Hungarian work culture and the globalizing labor market.

In the study, we review the relevant literature findings in the field of national and organizational culture, and present the results of the empirical research, which is based on interviews with eight senior employees of multicultural organizations operating in Hungary.

As a result of the thematic content analysis, it can be established that the multicultural organizations operating in Hungary are less characterized by intercultural conflicts than it can be assumed based on the public discourse. The purposeful and complex development of the internal communication solutions of organizations plays a significant role in this, and the conscious shaping of an organizational culture that creates an open and inclusive environment for employees from different cultural backgrounds.


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