Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020)

Designing Strategy for the Development of Social/Solidarity Economy

Published 01-12-2020


  • local economy,
  • local community,
  • social economy,
  • strategic view,
  • strategic creation,
  • negotiations of interests,
  • developing communities,
  • sustainability


It is essential to have a strategic approach to develop social / solidarity economy as being a part of local economy. This approach should cover the identification of specific local problems, needs, requirements and resources, as well as the definition of peculiar objectives, activities, methods and tools associated with them. It should also set out the pathways to achieve the goals, provide alternatives, as well as ensure meeting the criteria of sustainability. The goals to be achieved and the activities and tasks related to the realization of the goals are carried out by the actors in partnership. The absence of careful planning, preparation and experienced management, as well as the lack of partnership based on effective communication, common interest and cooperation can undermine the feasibility of the strategy.
Strategic planning must include negotiations of interests with all participating parties and also community development. If the citizens are successfully addressed and involved in the phases of planning, preparation and implementation the strategy will be realized more effectively and successfully. If, on the other hand, the processes and events are not in accordance with the goals, or the actions can be associated with only a limited number of actors, it obviously reduces the overall effectivity. In this case the intensity and extent of the expected impacts, as well as the social acceptance of development initiatives also become lower.
The design and implementation of local economy development strategy is primarily the task of local communities and not local governments. As social economy development strategy has to be planned within the framework of local economy development strategy, it is also their responsibility. Accordingly, the methods and tools of community development play an important role in the steps of strategy development and implementation. Consequently, the planning and implementation of a development strategy for a local resource based social economy must be approached from several points of view at the same time. Economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects must be taken into account in order to meet the sustainability criteria.