Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)

From the War for Survival to the Apocalypse: Norms Dissolving in Narratives

Nándor Birher

Published 30-06-2023


  • war,
  • just peace,
  • the end of history,
  • the role of churches,
  • new ways of governance,
  • international organisations


It is now widely accepted that the concept of the end of history is has become obsolete. One of the most cited concepts worldwide, namely Fukuyama's theory of the end of history and the last man, has gradually turned out not only to be untrue, but also to have been consciously  intended as a discourse influenced by ideologies.
History is not over, wars cannot be avoided by some kind of global, superior humanity beyond ideologies. On the other hand, it is also a newly emerging fact that the Third World War, or more sophisticatedly, the Global War, is fought no longer for life (less elegantly, for living space), because this war will most certainly destroy life as we know it today.
Humanity has achieved what previously seemed impossible: the ability to completely destroy its entire world, i.e. we became omnipotent, but unfortunately only in the sense of destruction. This critical situation can only be changed in one way: we need humility (and insight) to fully understand our negative omnipotence and must not take advantage of it.


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