Vol. 3 No. 1-2 (2012)
Theoretical Studies

A Scheme of the Approach of Law as a Concept Based on Communal Relations

Nándor Birher
Veszprém Archiepiscopal College of Theology; Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Published 01-12-2012


  • semi-autonomous social field,
  • 'we' consciousness,
  • network,
  • relation,
  • law,
  • community,
  • individual


This study presents a new approach to the concept of law. Law here is not looked upon as merely an announced and applied reality that was established through a proper procedure and derived from the legitimate power. The question arises: who legitimates the ‘legitimate power’? In this study I would like to present the scheme of a definite answer, which originates in the communal existence of the individual.