Vol. 1 No. 1-2 (2010)
Theoretical Studies

Initiations in Higher Education in the Carpathian Basin by the Reformed Church

Dr. Margit Molnar, CsC
University of Pécs

Published 01-08-2010


  • higher education,
  • Reformed Church,
  • vocation,
  • Carpathian Basin


The current article presents an overview on the history of Hungarian higher education in the Carpathian Basin, focusing mainly on the initiations of the Reformed Church. The aim of the author is to contribute to our knowledge, appreciate the values and developments of our common past and shape our ideas to build a shared vision of the future that is worthy of the work of our ancestors. The Calvinist notion of vocation is a central concept of the paper: we should serve God in the workplaces that were assigned for us. The concept of vocation, understood as one’s personal mission, is closely related to positive visions and persistent work for the welfare of future generations. This is how the idea of vocation becomes central to shaping educational policies. Respecting the legacy of the former generations, our call is to improve the present system of higher education in the Carpathian Basin.