Vol. 7 No. 1 (2016)

The Role of Human Resources in the Field of Innovative Development of Small Villages Through the Examples of Husztót and Kovácsszénája

Published 01-06-2016


  • aprófalvak,
  • humánerőforrás,
  • emberi tőke,
  • innováció


The social and economic benefits of innovation are directed to society as a whole, and available among the members of society, so social network on local levels has a special importance in Hungary. The innovational skill (skill of innovation?) of small settlements are affected by the existence or non-existence of common relations (in a traditional way).
The settlement development is redounded via knowledge sharing, the common way of thinking and the economical use of resources as well. This topic has been discussed in this study, in which the authors introduce two similar small villages (Husztót and Kovácsszénája) with different human resource capacity, using the quantitative results of their research.