Vol. 8-9, No 1-2 (2017/2018)

Youth of Pécs - Situation of Young People Living in Pécs

Gábor Juhász
Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Társadalmi Felzárkózás és Szociális Gazdaság Kutatóközpont

Published 01-05-2018


  • youth,
  • youth affairs,
  • youth policy


The results of previous research on this topic and the results of this study have also shown that in the case of youth, complex interventions involving several partners and actors can be successful. In doing so, it is necessary to provide young people with the opportunities which help them become independent, self-sufficient, responsible and well-informed adults with proper insight and judgement. From the examination of problems affecting young people, it can be generally stated that the family background plays a primary role in dealing with their problems. Consequently, the importance of the parents’ conscious, supportive contribution to their children's independence is emphasised. In this respect considerable differences can be found among young people today, and it can be stated that those who do not have the right supportive and encouraging family background can be seriously disadvantaged and their social is hindered. Accordingly, it is a prerequisite for keeping young people in the city to ensure the integration of young people in social and local sense by means of complex interventions.