Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019)

The 'Expect More' Project: Final Collection of Best Practices

Expect More Project

Published 01-08-2019


The present Collection of Best Practices is the main output of the EXPECT MORE project. It is the result of the following 4-step process and it contributes to the main objectives stipulated for the project:
1. Collection and exchange of 5 good practices per partner country, according to a description template developed specifically for this project, in three areas:
 - guidance and counselling approaches
 - C-VET programmes and didactics in C-VET
 - labour market integration and work experience programmes
for refugees and migrants in Europe;
2. Evaluation and analysis of the collected good practices according to a "Future-Proof-Matrix" tool developed specifically for this project and, based on the results of the evaluation process, selection of one Best Practice per partner for each area (for a total of three best practices per partner);
3. Plan the transfer of good practices to other countries and contexts, thanks to three learning, teaching and training activities that took place during the three years of project lifetime as follows:
 - 1st LTTA in Bratislava (SK) to exchange and plan the transfer of best practices on guidance and counselling approaches
 - 2nd LTTA in Florence (IT) to exchange and plan the transfer of best practices on C-VET programmes and didactics
 - 3rd LTTA in Graz (AT) to exchange and plan the transfer of best practices on labour market integration and workplace based learning;
4. Publication of the present 'Collection of Best Practices' based on the three selected best practices per partner country.