Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)

International Protection of Cultural Values Against Illegal Human Activity

Ágnes Környei
PPKE BTK, Nemzetközi és Politikatudományi Intézet, Nemzetközi Tanulmányok Tanszék

Published 30-06-2023


  • cultural heritage of humanity,
  • illegal trade of cultural goods,
  • dual nature of cultural goods,
  • protection of cultural property in armed conflicts


The protection of the cultural heritage of humanity and cultural diversity is widely accepted in international politics or international law, but it also has an impact on the economy (eg culture-based tourism is an important source of revenue) or security policy (helps reconciliation and the establishment of lasting peace).
Cultural goods, which are non-renewable resources, should be protected not only from natural disasters but also from harmful human activity (eg illegal trade of cultural goods, military conflicts, "cultural cleansing", terrorism). In order to protect the cultural values of the entire humanity, a serious international law corpus has been established and many intergovernmental institutions and NGOs are active in the area. The importance of protecting cultural goods has not only been recognized universally, but many regional organizations or groups have also taken a stand to support it.


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