Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024)

Availability of Experts in Prevention

Published 28-06-2024


  • innovation,
  • concept,
  • training,
  • integration,
  • sustainable prevention


The article is about the creation of the profession of prevention. The need for the development of the training system arises from the question whether the knowledge of the graduates of the current courses is sufficient to carry out activities in accordance with existing individual and social interests? Real progress in this requires the innovation of new content. For the development of Education 5.0 (Bigirimana 2021), it is important to broaden the previous functions of the university both in terms of the reception of innovations and preparation for businesses, startups. This is particularly important for the development of new training content and new competencies. The purpose of our innovation is to create the profession of prevention and a real-time institution guaranteeing sustainable preventive activity.


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