Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023)

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education

Zoltán Rajki
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem BTK Szociológiai Intézet

Published 25-12-2023


  • artificial intelligence,
  • education,
  • humanities,
  • social sciences,
  • pedagogy,
  • ethical and societal challenges


In this study I present the effects of the 21st century technological revolution and the spread of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is no longer confined to the scientific and business sectors, but has spread to many areas of our everyday lives. Applications such as ChatGPT, Windows Bing search, Google Bard, and image and video editing tools can be used in a wide range of fields, including education, the labour market, cultural heritage preservation, social science research, and pedagogy. The resulting information can be used for text processing, analysis, translation, learning support, and other purposes. The applications will provide fast and accurate access to information and can also help in the generation of new knowledge and education. In the broader context, the topic also includes technological developments, education, social science, and the future of human work. In the article I not only discuss the diverse applications and impacts of AI but also highlight the ethical and societal challenges associated with the rise of AI. These include the spread of misinformation, privacy, and changes in the workplace. Overall, we can conclude that AI offers many benefits and challenges in our daily lives while we need to focus on how to face these challenges.


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