Vol. 5 No. 1-2 (2014)

Exploring the Characteristics of Labour Turnover in a Multinational Organization

Krisztina Dajnoki
University of Debrecen
Veronika Fenyves
University of Debrecen

Published 01-11-2014


  • labour turnover,
  • satisfaction,
  • dissatisfaction,
  • reasons for resigning,
  • human resources control,
  • stability,
  • exit costs


Recruiting, selecting and integrating employees with adequate competences is one of the most important functions of human resource management, moreover, it is not enough to find the proper people, the organization should also be able to retain them. Staff turnover can cause a problem for any organization, but organizations with remarkably low employee satisfaction face higher turnover rates. An employee can decide to quit for various reasons, on the other hand, an organization can take several actions to  attract and keep the existing workforce. The analysis was carried out in a multinational IT company, where dealing with newly hired and quitting employees requires a significant amount of the company’s resources, as the resigning employees should be replaced by new hires besides providing for the company’s dynamically growing need for workforce. The goal of this paper is to discover the reasons of resigning and the effects of turnover on the multinational organization with the help of workforce turnover analysis.