Editorial Guidelines
Mission statement
The specialty/discipline of the journal
The language of the journal
Editorial Board Guide
Lecturer's guide
Author's Guide
Proofreading process
Privacy Statement
Mission statement
The specialist journal Human Innovation Review was published for the first time in August 2010. Since its founding, the journal has been published twice a year, or with a double issue a year, with publications in English and Hungarian.
Based on the contribution of domestic, Hungarian, and international professional and scientific actors, the goals of the journal include the presentation of innovation initiatives and representatives of various humanities fields, the strengthening of domestic and international professional and scientific cooperation networks, the multiple sectors, activity systems, professional and promoting cooperation between scientific workshops by expanding the discourse on the topic of social science innovation in the broad sense, and by implementing continuous knowledge transfer and exchange of experience.
The topics of the publications appearing in the publication and the range of authors are of a dynamically changing nature, thereby ensuring a wide range of current and professionally relevant questions and solutions. Therefore, we primarily publish studies in the fields of sociology, political science, psychology, communication, cultural anthropology, education, religious studies, philosophy, and economics. Furthermore, the journal pays special attention to the "borderlands" created by the intersection of different scientific fields, which enrich the exploration and understanding of a question, problem, or phenomenon under investigation with a trans- and interdisciplinary perspective.
The specialty/discipline of the journal
Humanities; Social Sciences
The language of the journal
Hungarian / English
Publications in Hungarian are published with an abstract in English and keywords, while articles in English are issued with an abstract in Hungarian and keywords; however, regardless of the language, all publications require an English title and an English abstract.
Editorial and Editorial Board Guide
Manuscripts published in Human Innovation Review are submitted to the Editorial Board. The task of the Editorial Board is to examine the submitted manuscripts according to the specified format requirements, as well as to initiate the peer review process, to ensure the editing tasks necessary for publication, and to publish the accepted and edited manuscripts.
Errors or other inaccuracies can be corrected before and after the publication of the manuscript.
The editorial staff may not disclose any information about the manuscript accepted for publication to the author, potential reviewers, other editorial staff, or anyone outside the publisher.
If the Author notices a significant error in the submitted or published written work, he must report this to the Editorial Office. In this case, the Editors can correct the mistake or publish a correction.
The task of the Editorial Board is to evaluate the reviewers' opinions and to make decisions on the publication of individual publications and issues.
The Editorial Office and the Editorial Board will return the received manuscripts for correction or reject them due to deficiencies in form or basic content even before the proofreading process begins. The Editorial Office and the Editorial Board do not assume responsibility for possible plagiarism, referring it to the Author’s sole responsibility.
The Editorial Office and the Editorial Board are assisted in their activities by professional and language proofreaders.
Manuscripts accepted for publication by the Editorial Board, taking into account the reviewers' opinions, will be published in the Human Innovation Review.
Materials awaiting publication but still need to be published and results awaiting publication may not be used by those involved in the publication in their research and publication activities.
The Editors and the Editorial Board reserve the right to subject the received manuscripts to a plagiarism detection system.
Lecturer's guide
Manuscripts are reviewed/evaluated by two independent and anonymous reviewers based on predefined professional criteria. The reviewers can be members of the Editorial Board or externally qualified researchers/trainers and other experts, but they are representatives of the discipline to be examined.
The Human Innovation Review does not pay a fee for reviewer opinions.
The Editorial Office will issue a proof of proofreading upon request.
The publication of the submitted manuscripts depends on the reviewer's opinions/critiques.
In the case of differing reviewer opinions, the Editorial Board decides on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript based on the opinion of a third independent reviewer.
The proofreader comments on the submitted manuscripts, recommends them for rejection or acceptance and proposes changes and corrections in the case of written works to be revised. The reviewer's opinion is entered on a separate form issued by the Editorial Board.
The reviewer may draw the attention of the Editorial Board if he notices a substantial similarity or overlap between the examined manuscript and any already published study known to him.
The Editorial Board invites the editors, the invitation is based on their professional preparation.
You have 5 working days to accept or reject the proofreading request. There are 14 working days from the acceptance of the activity to complete the review.
The reviewer must treat all manuscripts submitted to him for review as confidential, he may not consult with anyone other than specific members of the Editorial Board, and he may cite the scientific results contained therein only after public publication.
The proofreader's opinion/criticism must be objective. Criticism of the author is not acceptable. Professional reviewers must be able to support their claims with arguments.
If the reviewer obtains confidential information during the review, he must treat it confidentially and cannot use it for his benefit.
Reviewers may not proofread manuscripts that have a conflict of interest with any of the authors or the author's institution. The reviewers sign a declaration of conflict of interest.
Author's Guide
The essential condition for accepting manuscripts is the acceptance and observance of the publication and ethical guidelines. Since the journal can only partially verify compliance with the guidelines, it is the author's responsibility to comply with them according to the standards below fully.
Authors publishing in the scientific journal Human Innovation Review must comply with the professional and ethical guidelines defined by the Editorial Office and the Editorial Board. These guidelines were determined by the Editorial Board based on the provisions of the Codex of Scientific Ethics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and by the standards for journal editors (COPE guidelines) of the Committee on Publication Ethics (Publication Ethics Committee - COPE).
The Authors comply with the format requirements set by the scientific journal Human Innovation Review, refer to the references, and communicate the received data and results in a form that corresponds to reality.
Any form of plagiarism is unethical and unacceptable. The authors must guarantee that the study is their original intellectual work. If they have used the works and expressions of others, they must cite them appropriately and refer to them professionally.
Including a manuscript presenting the same research in different independent publications or journals is not good practice. Submitting the same manuscript to several journals simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable.
All those who significantly contributed to the completion of the study must be listed as co-authors. The first listed Author ensures that all eligible co-authors are included in the manuscript and that all co-authors have read the final version of the study accepted for publication and consented to its publication in the scientific journal Human Innovation Review.
If this is the case, the Authors must disclose the sources of financial support related to the preparation/writing of the manuscript.
Authors must have an ORCID identifier (open researcher identifier). ORCID registration is available at the following link: https://orcid.org/register
Proofreading process
In the first round, the Editorial Office checks the compliance of the submitted manuscripts with the format requirements. The inspection will take place within 14 working days, after which the Author will be notified electronically.
If format problems arise, the manuscript will be returned to the Author for correction. We can provide a maximum of 14 working days for format repairs.
We emphasize that the first notification only applies to compliance with format requirements! Manuscripts that meet the format requirements are forwarded for professional and language proofreading.
Professional proofreading
Manuscripts that meet the format requirements are evaluated by a scientifically qualified instructor or researcher familiar with and dealing with the relevant topic. The foreign language parts are checked with the help of a foreign language proofreader after the content evaluation. The reviewers have 14 working days to prepare the reviews/opinions.
The scientific journal Human Innovation Review uses the so-called 'double-blind peer review' professional review system to evaluate incoming studies. This means that the manuscripts undergo a double-blind professional review, i.e., neither the Author nor the Reviewer is known to the other person.
The manuscript is examined by two different reviewers using a "Reviewer's Opinion" form based on the following categories:
- actuality, originality,
- applied research method,
- presentation of research result(s),
- general quality and scientific originality,
- the linguistic quality of the text.
The Reviewer indicates in his opinion that the manuscript received for review is
- acceptable in its current form,
- requires minor repairs,
- requires moderate revision,
- requires a thorough review.
The Authors have 14 working days from receiving the reviewers' opinions to submit the corrected, final manuscript. If necessary, reviewers or the Editorial Board may request multiple revision rounds of a manuscript.
Accepted manuscripts will be published in the next issue of the journal. We will inform the Authors about the exact time of the publication by e-mail.
Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses provided to the editors are for their use only. They will not be disclosed to third parties.