Vol. 8-9, No 1-2 (2017/2018)

Employer Branding in Hungary

Kata Kovács
Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaság és Társadalomtudományi Kar

Published 01-05-2018


  • Employer branding,
  • ideal workplace,
  • preferences in workplace selection,
  • jobseeking platforms,
  • willingness towards mobility


In my study, I examine the situation of employer branding in Hungary. Employer branding is essentially based on the cooperation between the HR and PR departments, and it is the key element of successful brand creation. Firstly, I will briefly introduce the HR aspect of brand building, namely those factors that influence the perception of the corporation as a workplace. Such factors are for example the working hours, benefits, workplace environment and atmosphere, the process of recruitment, selection and integration, and the personality of leaders and co-workers. Following this, I will present the process and steps of brand building, namely the external and internal situation analysis, the development of alternative opportunities and strategies, the selection of suitable communication channels, and the measuring of results. Finally, I will present the platforms used for brand communication, and the crucial characteristics of a successful employer brand. The aim of employer branding is not only to attract talented professionals, projecting the image of an appealing workplace towards them, but also to keep the current workforce and inspire commitment among them, since successfully holding onto them greatly affects future workforce requirements, decreasing fluctuaction as well as recruitment, selection and integration costs. My research focuses on the perspective of the employee, based on a quantitative sample that was prepared on the basis of an online questionnaire with nearly 900 persons having filled out the form. In the form I observe the platforms the employee uses during the process of job-seeking, the most important factors in their job selection – the properties of an ideal workplace, such as an appealing salary, proper work environment, flexible work hours and proper leadership style – as well as the employee’s willingness to accept mobility opportunities with the factors affecting this, in respect of certain demographic data, such as age, education, place of residence and work experience. In order to evaluate the results, I used descriptive statistical methods. After this I draw the conclusion and make recommendations for companies regarding how they could become more appealing in the eyes of employees, and how they could keep their current employees, since a successful employer brand is not only attractive and credible, but also inspires commitment in their employees, decreasing fluctuation as well as recruitment and selection costs, while increasing the competitiveness of the company.