The World of Order - Basics of the Systems Scientific Background and a Practical Application of Ziegler-Systemcoaching
Published 01-04-2019
- Systemcoaching,
- complex systems,
- RPA,
- new methodology,
- change management
Systemcoaching Methodology is the result of theoretical research, development and several decades of practical work. The methodology consists of three areas: 1) Systems science-based knowledge 2) A strong, but easy-to-handle model, the SGS Model (System in Gross-Systems) and 3) The simple, but strict and consequent method, the SnF Method (Squares and Frames). The methodology helps in the creation of a horizontal map of our complex, multiple related, multi-contiguous overlapping gross-systems. Systemcoaching does not imply value judgement on users. It shows, how far is the real target status of an S system in a certain GSi gross-system from the own imaginary objectives. The methodology finds and lists iteratively the consequently necessary actions within the time/material/energy frames. It is very flexible, it can be combined with all kinds of other consequent and correct methods, which are not contradicting the rules of physics and system science.