Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020)

Non-Profit Organizations in Hungary

Published 01-07-2020


  • nonprofit organizations,
  • local communities,
  • social enterprises


In the 21st century, due to the development of communication and transportation system and technology our limits have expanded in space and time. We live in an accelerated, globalized world, while social actions and nonprofit organizations represent a completely different set of values. The importance of local communities must be emphasized, as they are the building elements of civil society contributing to the transmission of fundamental values, the creation of a well-functioning local society, and the formation of social and economic life.
In the three decades since the change of regime in Hungary, the non-profit sector has undergone significant growth and development, but it has still not integrated fully in Hungarian society. The political, economic and social transformation that took place in the country since the late 1980s facilitated the development of the civil sphere, as a result of the removal of former barriers the development was dynamic. In accordance with the conditions and goals outlined by the law, a wide variety of organizations were established with many different functions. In addition to large national foundations, associations and non-profit enterprises numerous small nongovernmental organizations were formed with limited resources, representing the goals and interests of local communities.
In the first part of my publication I present the history of the formation and development of non-profit organizations in Hungary after the change of regime, and I also discuss the differences between the concept of a non-governmental organization and a non-profit organization. Following this, my aim is to elaborate on the structure, basic organizational types, main areas of activity and employment structure of the Hungarian non-profit sector, as well as to examine the types of income, and to outline the possible future trends, in particular the role and future opportunities of social enterprises.