Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020)

Solidarity and Debt Collection

Eszter Sőréné Batka

Published 01-07-2020


  • solidarity,
  • humanity,
  • fundamental human rights,
  • evictions,
  • cooperation


Solidarity is also known as the power of humanity. Since many people are living on Earth, solidarity can have various meanings. People are different, therefore they obviously do not share exactly the same opinion on every issue. However, there is one thing we all have in common: all of us are human beings.
Solidarity is a term often invoked in everyday life, and it is of particular importance today. In this article I examine the relationship between solidarity and judicial enforcement. In addition, I also propose a possible system that would ensure that law enforcement takes place based on a socially responsible system. In everyday use the term ‘solidarity’ means mutual commitment and the willingness to help each other, which has unfortunately become almost completely extinct in today's society. In my view the emphasis should be on mutuality and the aim is to form a community of solidarity, in which the tax burden, such as social security contributions, is distributed on the basis of ability to pay.