Vol. 2 No. 1 (2011)
Scientific Professional Researcher and Educational Publications

Emotional Management

Published 01-05-2011


  • power,
  • negative use of power,
  • leadership styles,
  • charismatic leader,
  • situational leadership,
  • emotional labour


Leadership is a complex phenomenon that has been examined by numerous authors from different aspects, including leadership as power, as an aptitude (innate ability) or as a behaviour. This present study attempts to explore the emotional dimension of  leadership embedding leadership and leadership tasks in the terminological framework of emotional labour.
Leadership is not easy and not without danger. As long as somebody is not able to act spontaneously as a leader, the adequate (situation based) emotional manifestations require extra energy from the leader and on the long run they might have negative effect on his or her psychosomatic health. Thus leadership is not only a privilege but also a task. It is a challenge that requires both intellectual and emotional work. Leaders with situational leadership style face notably more emotional expectations. Irrespectively of the principles a particular leader follows, it is inevitable to perform emotional work, since it is impossible for any leader to react spontaneously in each situation and come up to the expectations of the environment at the same time.