Published 28-06-2024
- resilience,
- prosilience,
- resilience-models,
- „RAAT”,
- adaptation
Copyright (c) 2024 Fehér Pálma Virág
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article focuses on mental health care, including the development of strong resilience and the definition of a resilience-related concept, prosilience. Rapidly changing world models that lead to a sense of uncertainty are presented, as are various resilience models, all of which emphasize significant protective factors for maintaining mental health. Among the resilience models, the framework model explains the action and orientation process of coping with adverse life circumstances. The resilience model developed by Sebastian Mauritz, which includes interactional protective factors and risk factors complements this framework model. A further part of the study is the definition of 'prosilience'. Prosilience, which is based on the concept of resilience, describes the proactive resilience that enables an individual to react strongly and flexibly to a crisis before it occurs. In this sense, prosilience means the development of future resilience. Prosilience, as a form of proactive resilience, refers to learning from and preparing for future crises, which enables the development of a sense of meaning and fulfilment in life through self-awareness, self-reflection and the capacity for resonance.
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