Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023)

Expert Assessment of Certain Customer Service Behavioral Elements (Behavioral Mosaics) in the Light of Customer Expectations

András Durugy
Pázmány Péter Catholic University FHSS Institute of Psychology

Published 25-12-2023


  • mystery shopping,
  • competence,
  • training,
  • development,
  • scale


In this study I explore the development of observational aspects related to the observational competency assessment carried out by an expert, the so-called competency-based mystery shopping. The objective of the research related to the topic is to examine the method of mystery shopping for the purpose of competence measurement. In the article I focus on the problems of measurability and the possibilities of observation in the context of mystery shopping. In the course of the research, the behaviours expected of the customer service staff were determined, and the related behaviour mosaics, which enable a competency-based examination of the customer service performance.


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