About the Journal

The journal Human Innovation Review was published for the first time in August 2010 by the Human Exchange Foundation, with the support of the Research Utilization and Technology Transfer Center of the University of Pécs.

Since its founding, the journal has been published twice a year, or with a double issue a year, with publications in English and Hungarian.

The common goal of recognized domestic and foreign specialists who participate in the Human Innovation Review editorial board is to increase social and cultural capital to introduce human research, development, and innovation results to readers and social and economic actors.

The goals of the journal include the presentation of innovation initiatives and representatives of various humanities fields, the strengthening of domestic and international professional and scientific cooperation networks, the promotion of cooperation between different sectors, activity systems, and professional and scientific workshops by expanding the discourse on social science innovation in the broad sense. , by implementing continuous knowledge transfer and exchange of experience.

The topics of the publications appearing in the publication and the range of authors are of a dynamically changing nature, thereby ensuring a wide range of current and professionally relevant questions and solutions. Therefore, we primarily publish studies in the fields of sociology, political science, psychology, communication, cultural anthropology, education, religious studies, philosophy, and economics. Furthermore, the journal pays special attention to the "borderlands" created by the intersection of different scientific fields, which enrich the exploration and understanding of a question, problem, or phenomenon under investigation with a trans- and interdisciplinary perspective.

The Review, which usually includes theoretical studies and research reports, as well as reviews and reports prepared by experts and reports on good practices, is sometimes published with a themed issue related to current phenomena and special professional and scientific occasions.

Based on the agreement reached in 2022 between the Human Exchange Foundation, which represents the publisher, and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, which publishes the paper, they will jointly strive to achieve outstanding professional and scientific potential in the future.

In a dynamically changing, globalizing world that carries numerous challenges and risks, initiatives that can present the problems and the possible common solutions have a special right to exist. The Human Innovation Review, as a social science journal, acquaints the reader with the human aspects of research, development, and innovation, emphasizing their indispensable role and importance in social and economic development.