Vol. 21 Núm. 1-2 (2020)
Voyage et spiritualité

La pratique de l’interculturel au quotidien : le rôle des rencontres personnelles dans les récits de voyage

Géza Szász
Université de Szeged

Publicado 14-12-2020

Cómo citar

Szász, G. (2020). La pratique de l’interculturel au quotidien : le rôle des rencontres personnelles dans les récits de voyage. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 21(1-2), 55–67. Recuperado a partir de https://ojs.ppke.hu/verbum/article/view/275


Personal encounters have a great importance in travel narratives as sources of information about the country and the society. Main 18th-century travel stories (Diderot, Volney, de Gérando, etc.) encourage encounters and propose forms. However, their categories and details are not analyzed. On the basis of French travel narratives written between 1830 and 1840, we examine the appearance and the circumstances of encounters with Hungarians. Our analysis suggests that encounters with or without communication must be ranked in different categories.