Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
General Section

Validating a Qualitative Interview Schedule on Multilingualism and Second Language Vocabulary Attrition and Maintenance

Hanae Ezzaouya
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Pázmány Papers vol. 1. nr. 1.

Published 12/18/2023 — Updated on 06/13/2024


  • L2 vocabulary attrition and maintenance,
  • qualitative research,
  • interview schedule,
  • multilingualism,
  • bilingualism


This paper focuses on the validation process of a qualitative interview schedule designed to investigate the nuanced dynamics of multilingualism and second language vocabulary attrition and maintenance. The interview schedule was developed to gain insights into the complexities of the participants’ language experiences, identities, as well as vocabulary learning and retention strategies. Second language speakers of English with diverse linguistic backgrounds were selected for the study to ensure the reliability and validity of the interview. The piloting stage played a pivotal role in laying the ground for refined interview questions, where data authenticity was ensured through the creation of a comfortable environment that helped participants provide genuine responses and avoid offering socially desirable ones. The interview questions were piloted multiple times to identify and resolve any inconsistencies in the participants’ responses. The validated interview schedule can serve as a dependable data collection tool and prompt researchers to consider the implications of second language vocabulary attrition and maintenance for pedagogical practices.