Az angol irodalom története. VI: Az 1930-as évektől napjainkig. Első rész [The history of English literature. VI: From the 1930s to the present. Part 1], edited by Tamás Bényei, Kijárat, Budapest, 2024.
Published 12/31/2024
Copyright (c) 2024 Valentina Sulyok; Renáta Bainé Tóth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Volume 6 of the History of English Literature seeks to achieve the same objective as its predecessors: to provide a comprehensive overview of the literature of the British Isles in a manner that is accessible and engaging for both professional scholars and general readers. In attempting to appeal to this diverse audience, the success of the volume is evident, as each chapter has been authored by scholars from both Hungary and abroad. Volume 6 is, like its predecessors, the bright yellow-shaded fruit of collaborative efforts of relatively distant yet intellectually connected minds.