New Series Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

Pedagogy in the Spotlight. Educational thoughts of Géza Kuminetz

Gábor Kozma
PPKE Szent II. János Pál Pápa Kutatóközpont Keresztény Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kutatócsoport-vezető, főiskolai tanár, PPKE BTK dékánhelyettes

Published 20-09-2023


  • catholic education,
  • systems thinking,
  • comprehensive education,
  • social environment


The social challenges of education in the 21st century have changed so rapidly that researchers have tried to support the current interpretation of education, the definition of goals, tasks and tools by means of ever newer systemic or at least systemic-analytical efforts. As a result of the problems that are deeply rooted in everyday life, and which are even global in nature, there is a renewed focus on faith as a point of reference for the transmission of culture and for increasing the impact of family and school education. This global process can also be seen in traditionally evangelised countries where Christian faith has become increasingly marginalised in the understanding of human existence. This paper analyses the writings of the  theologian and canon lawyer Professor Géza Kuminetz on pedagogy within the framework of his distinctive holistic,
integrative systems model. They discuss education in the most comprehensive way by interpreting the existence of Catholic education and its overarching social challenges, to which they present models of the Christian educational ideal from the 20th century to the present day. The
pedagogical work of Géza Kuminetz focuses attention on the specific and joint tasks of clergy and lay educators. He also interprets the effectiveness of educational work, insofar as Catholic education is not merely the teaching of the faith, but a process leading the human person to
maturity. All this lays the foundations for the developments necessary for the implementation of the Global Pact for Education proclaimed on the basis of the Encyclical on the Protection of Creation. The paper discusses how Géza Kuminetz's work sheds contemporary light on the
task and practice of training and education in the Catholic university, which, set in the light of faith, helps to make a comprehensive sense of the response of pedagogy today.


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