Dilatation du temps et de l'espace: approche énonciative de "ici" et "maintenant" dans Enfance de Nathalie Sarraute
Published 18-04-2011
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This paper is a contribution to the analysis of autobiographical strategies from traditional autobiography to new autobiography. Our purpose is to define the occurrences of some deictic adverbs and, further, to spell out their discursive specifics in autobiographical texts, especially in Sarraute's Enfance. Furthermore, we propose to place all these facts into an enunciative dimension and more precisely, in the perspective of the spatial and temporal deixis. This analysis is first concerned with drawing up the connections between the different values of the present tense, the complexity of personal pronouns and the occurrences of deictic adverbs, and, secondly, with examining the processes which produce the expansion of the enunciative space.