Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Elitek, udvarházak, kastélyok és paloták életvilágai (Lebenswelten)

The Hunyadys in Somogy: Contributions to the History of the Hunyady Family in Somogy Country

Katalin Paréj-Farkas
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar — Történelemtudományi Doktori Iskola, PhD hallgató

Published 2024

How to Cite

Paréj-Farkas, K. (2024). The Hunyadys in Somogy: Contributions to the History of the Hunyady Family in Somogy Country. Axis – Journal of Religious History and the History of Ideas, 5(1), 99–118. https://doi.org/10.61176/Axis.2024.5.1.6


In my study, I would like primarily to offer some ecclesiastical and cultural insights into the history of the Hunyady family in Kéthely, Somogy Country.

In this essay, in addition to referencing available sources and literature, I will focus on those settlements where the family’s presence has left notable traces, whether in the sacral environment or in the history of local society. In addition to Kéthely and Mesztegnyő, two inner-Somogy settlements, this writing will also disclose the characteristics of an outer-Somogy estate, Szemes, including its strengthening, and development. The primary subject of my investigation is to examine how an aristocratic family worked towards establishing and revitalizing the ecclesiastical, educational, cultural and tourism aspects of the settlements in their estate, from the early-eighteenth-century reconstruction to the establishment of the communist dictatorship following the Second World War. In addition to the contributions to ecclesiastical art, the study will also mention the outstanding individuals of the family, including its female figures, highlighting their social sensitivity and charitable inclinations.

Further research will be required to fully explore this topic, but the primary goal is to provide insight into the operation of a Hungarian aristocratic family in a rural environment, which should be feasible within the scope of this essay.