V. 3 N. 2 (2001)

La vengeance comme devoir: Chimène dans Le Cid de Corneille

Helga Zsák
Institut Français de Budapest

Pubblicato 01-12-2001

Come citare

Zsák, H. (2001). La vengeance comme devoir: Chimène dans Le Cid de Corneille. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 3(2), 411–418. https://doi.org/10.1556/verb.3.2001.2.12


The essay proposes an interpretation of heroism and vengeance in Corneille's Cid with regard to the figure of Chimene. Offering a wide range of staging possibilities, the theme of female vengeance has been a recurring theme in literature since the very beginning of tragedy. Vengeace in Corneille's plays is remarkably vigorous and refers constantly to justice; characters admit their desire of vengeance and labour to fulfill it.