V. 21 N. 1-2 (2020)

Le mythe de Caïn et Abel chez Sylvie Germain

Roxana Maximilean
Université Babeş-Bolyai de Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie

Pubblicato 14-12-2020

Come citare

Maximilean, R. (2020). Le mythe de Caïn et Abel chez Sylvie Germain. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 21(1-2), 351–362. Recuperato da https://ojs.ppke.hu/verbum/article/view/293


Our work focuses on the echoes of the myth of Cain and Abel in the work of Sylvie Germain because we consider that this biblical text reflects perfectly the torn fraternity described by the writer. We will base our approach on one of the principles of mythocriticism, an analysis interested in the analogy that can exist between the myth and the literary text. In the first part, we will observe the rival brothers in two of her novels: Nuit d’’Ambre (1987) and Chanson des mal-aimants (2002). In the second part, we will analyse the universal image of the broken brotherhood. We will exemplify our ideas by referring to three other books, Nuit-d’Ambre (1987), Les échos du silence (2006), and À la table des hommes (2016).