Évf. 5 szám 1 (2003)

Codices distincti nell'Italia quattrocentesca: Tendenze di articolazione testuale mediante segni di punteggiatura in manoscritti nell'Italia quattrocentesca

Judit W. Somogyi
Olasz Tanszék, Romanisztika Intézet, Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Egyetem utca 1. H–2087 Piliscsaba

Megjelent 2003-06-01

Hogyan kell idézni

W. Somogyi, J. (2003). Codices distincti nell’Italia quattrocentesca: Tendenze di articolazione testuale mediante segni di punteggiatura in manoscritti nell’Italia quattrocentesca. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 5(1), 267–277. https://doi.org/10.1556/verb.5.2003.1.18


In this article, I present some results of a study on punctuation in manuscripts written in vulgar language in Northern Italy during the 15th century. Based on the analysis of the content and form of some contemporary Latin records, first I demonstrate why the theory and practice of Latin punctuation could not serve as an adequate model for the scriptors of vulgar texts in this period. Afterwards, I present the punctuational methods that reflect the logical–grammatical structure of non-literary texts making up the corpus and I compare these methods in order to find characteristic tendencies observable in the texts.