Vol. 21 No 1-2 (2020)

Le(s) membre(s) hongrois d’une croisade française oubliée

Krisztián Bene
Université de Pécs

Publiée 12/14/2020

Comment citer

Bene, K. (2020). Le(s) membre(s) hongrois d’une croisade française oubliée. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 21(1-2), 217–229. Consulté à l’adresse https://ojs.ppke.hu/verbum/article/view/287


The French colonial empire plays an important role in the history of France since its birth. It contributed to the war efforts during the great conflicts of the 20th century when the French colonies provided vital support for the motherland. Its potential becomes particularly valuable after the French defeat suffered in 1940 when the leaders of divided France try to keep it on his side or recover it from the other. The theatre of operations of Chad is particularly important from French point of view because the Free French Forces under the orders of colonel Leclerc realize an incredible mission with the crossing of the Sahara and the taking of Fezzan and Tripoli. This victory is the result of the common work of men of many nationalities, even that of Hungarian. In this study, we try to present the long journey of these fighters and the effect of this operation on their lives.