Vol. 6 Núm. 1 (2004)

Verbe de l'amour? Le verbe païr dans deux textes occitans

Imre Gábor Majorossy
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Francia Tanszék, Egyetem utca 1. H-2087 Piliscsaba

Publicado 01-04-2004

Cómo citar

Majorossy, I. G. (2004). Verbe de l’amour? Le verbe païr dans deux textes occitans. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 6(1), 255–273. https://doi.org/10.1556/verb.6.2004.1.20


The following study shows metaphorical meanings of a verb (païr) that comes from the religious tradition. Two texts will be presented: a poem of Raimbaut d'Aurenga and an occitan short story. Both speak about love and both use païr in a somewhat unusual way. In the poem, païr expresses love of the Domna; in the short story, after their marriage, lovers take new names and the wife has one that contains païr. The study tries to reveal a possible literary relationship between semantic fields of païr and aimer.