Le prix littéraire international du point de vue de l’auteur: Une étude sur Mircea Cărtărescu
Published 31-12-2024
- literary prizes,
- literary market,
- position-takings,
- discourse analysis,
- Cărtărescu
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The global circulation of Mircea Cărtărescu’s literary works has led to increasing recognition of his writing, earning him numerous awards in several countries. Following the international rise of his work, this article will explore how the author reflects on receiving literary prizes in his published diaries, in order to assess the impact these distinctions have on his public stance as a writer. Specifically, we will focus on the relationship between the author and the awarding institutions, with the aim of analyzing to what extent and in what ways international literary prizes shape the author’s self-presentation, while also considering any discrepancies between the value conferred by the prize and the subjective sense of greatness (grandeur) perceived by the writer.
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