New Series Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

Identity and conflict : International cooperation in history teaching and history textbook revision

Richárd Fodor
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Vitéz János Teacher Training Center, assistant lecturer; Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Learning Research Institute, research group leader

Published 20-09-2023


  • history didactics,
  • history textbook,
  • textbook research,
  • education system,
  • textbook revision


The study sheds light on several important aspects in the field of textbook research and history didactics. The  introduction presents the most significant professional events of the European history didactic discourse in recent years and new approaches to the scientific field, in all of which international cooperation plays an important role. Reasons for the general and professional interest in history teaching and history textbooks and the origin of textbook research are also presented. The history of international textbook revisions, interrupted by the world wars of the 20th century, the types, effectiveness, goals, and results of transnational cooperation are also introduced. Finally, the study details the changing results and products of some cross-border projects, paying special attention to the exemplary French-German textbook revision, the Polish-German, Scandinavian, Slovakian-Hungarian, European perspectives, and Asian and African examples that rarely appear in Hungarian textbook research.

In the conclusion of the study more than a dozen collaborations are summarized based on continent, duration, nature of participants, and function. Among the results two categories are established as the main goals: regional identity building and conflict resolution.


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