New Series Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

About our fate issues. From my Diagnoses on Era and Disease

Gusztáv Lányi
ELTE ÁJK Politikatudományi Intézet

Published 20-09-2023


  • apocalypse and Christianity,
  • Hungarian Gospel,
  • Christian identity,
  • Saint Stephen and the Eucharist


My essay is a preliminary excerpt from my book titled Hungarian fate problems. Era and Disease diagnostics from a Socio-Psychological Perspective. In my book, I try to address – among other things – the issue of what determinant strength and/or weakness do the historical, political, pedagogical and psychological patterns of collective Hungarian fate present for us here and now. I will attempt to analyse the problems of Hungarian destiny in their local/Hungarian localities and even in their personal particularities without cutting them off from the universal world of universal values. I am presenting those fate problems, which in my opinion, are perhaps the most important of the many conflicts in our current Hungarian society, because they are an overwhelming presence in our everyday lives, often stirring up feelings of despair and hopelessness even in those whose vocation it would be to help. I do not want to shy away from the problems, nor do I want to raise false hopes – yet my final word can be nothing but encouragement, hope and faith. Thus, and that’s what the following excerpts are about: 1. Apocalypse and Christianity – 2. Somatic and sacral “Hungarian gospel” – 3. Christian (political) Identity – 4. St. Stephen and The Eucharist.


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