New Series Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

„I learned this book from my students”

János Bali
PPKE BTK, egyetemi docens

Published 20-09-2023


  • musical perception,
  • musical meaning,
  • artistic career versus teaching,
  • Schoenberg’s pedagogy,
  • the authority of the pupil


“I learned this book from my students”– the essay takes its title from Arnold Schoenberg’s famous book Harmonielehre (1911), and in its first part praises the openess of the pedagogy of Schoenberg: how the student was the most important for him and how he focused on research attitude. The second part of the essay brings up three events from the author’s earlier pedagogical experience when the dialogue with young pupils led him to better understanding of the functioning of musical perception and cognition.


  1. Kandinsky, W. & Marc, F. (Hrsg.). (1912). Der Blaue Reiter. R. Piper & Co. Verlag.
  2. Schönberg A. (1911). Harmonielehre. Universal Edition.
  3. Surányi László (2008). Avantgárd formabontás és zsidó bálványrombolás Schönberg Mózes és Áron című operájában. In Surányi László (2008). Megszólít vagy elvarázsol? A zene szelleméről. Typotex. 287–292.