New Series Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

Saint Paul and the Schools of the Early Church

Mihály Kránitz
PPKE HTK Alapvető Hittan Tanszék, egyetemi tanár

Published 20-09-2023


  • Christian antiquity,
  • wisdom,
  • discipleship,
  • education,
  • beginnings of the Church


Christianity is based on the preaching of Jesus Christ, the Gospel itself. Jesus stands before his disciples as a Master (rabbi), instructing them according to a specific (divine) pedagogy. The first apostles, including Saint Paul, will adopt this method, which is naturally rooted in the Old Testament tradition, but with the novelty of revelation. The preparation for baptism is manifested at the level of an intellectual approach to the illumination of the person of Jesus Christ, in cooperation with grace. The specificity of this method is characteristic of Christianity. The relationship between faith and reason has accompanied the life of the Church and of all Christians to this day. The starting point, which we can also admire in the life of the Apostle Paul, is therefore the spiritual foundations on which the world of faith can build in a suitable way and thus transmit the good news of salvation.


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  5. Ó- és Újszövetségi Szentírás. (1997). Szent Jeromos Bibliatársulat.
  6. Ratzinger, J. – XVI. Benedek pápa (2007). A názáreti Jézus. Szent István Társulat.
  7. Vanyó L. (1992). Theologia Graeca. A görög filozófia adaléka a keresztény teológiához. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Hittudományi Kar.