New Series Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

Reflections on the renewed practice of teacher training

Orsolya Gombocz
PPKE BTK VJTK Tanárképző Tanszék, egyetemi docens

Published 20-09-2023


  • teacher training,
  • practice,
  • mentoring,
  • partner institution


Current study deals with the changes in teacher training, including issues affecting practice. In September 2022, teacher training system in Hungary was renewed. Major changes have been introduced concerning the length and organisation of school placement. The duration of the training was reduced to 10 semesters, of which the last semester is a coherent individual school placement. However, the number of compulsory placements for students will not actually be reduced, but will be distributed more evenly and proportionately: students will be continuously involved in placements from the beginning of their training, thus meeting the school world and the students from the start, and will complete the continuous placement at the end of their training. One of the reasons for this change was the experience that in the previous training structure, teacher trainees really became acquainted with their chosen profession only at the end of their studies when they first met children as teachers, whereas practice is of paramount importance for the effectiveness of the career education process and for strengthening career identity in teaching profession. In our study, we carried out a documentary analysis based on the relevant regulations. In addition to presenting the changes, our aim was to draw attention to the most important issues affecting teacher training at our university, in particular the importance of cooperation with partner institutions and some aspects of the selection of partner institutions.


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