New Series Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

Philosophical propedeutics in teacher training

József Kormos
PPKE BTK VJTK Tanárképző Tanszék, habil. egyetemi docens

Published 20-09-2023


  • teacher training,
  • teacher education paradigms,
  • philosophical nature,
  • anthropology,
  • ethics,
  • social philosophy,
  • preparatory course,
  • social expectations


Several new aspects of teacher education have emerged in recent decades. The increasing role of psychology, the discipline-oriented, the method-oriented, the research-oriented, the practice-oriented training have all added important elements to enhance teacher competence. Today, teachers are faced with many difficulties that may require the presence of different training elements, e. g. underprivileged studens, studens with special needs, learning difficulties cultural and lifestyle differences, minorities, relations/cooperation with parents, educational policy issues, ethical and social expectations, etc.

Therefore, it may be necessary to introduce a philosophical training element with an anthropological, ethical, social-philosophical emphasis. On the one hand, the course could be introduced at the beginning of the training as a foundation course, and on the other hand, in addition to theoretical knowledge, the analysis of relevant texts, statistics, research, case studies and reports should be a priority. The paper reviews the various paradigms and argues for the need for a philosophical approach to propedautics.


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