Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)

Mobil and Smart, Moral Philosopical Unknows in the (Smart)Phone Use: Pedagogical Experiment to Prevent Problematic Smartphone Use among 8th and 11th Grade Students

Áron Mátó
Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Folia Humanistica et Socialia 1(2) 2023

Published 31-12-2023 — Updated on 11-06-2024


The theoretical premise of this study suggests that due to the inherent characteristics of smartphones (mobility and technological possibilities), it becomes an ethical issue. The smartphone unveils four sets of ethical problems concerning time, self, community, and society. The aim of the pedagogical experiment is to empirically compare the primary protective factors against problematic usage (self-control and resilience) with a morally construct moral orientation (that prepared for the study), and the prevention of problematic usage. The experiment ran from September 2022 to April 2023, encompassing two age groups with control groups, within the framework of weekly ethics classes. Various ethical topics related to smartphones were introduced during these classes, employing diverse pedagogical tools and methods. The results of the experiment are contradictory: in the case of 8th graders, greater changes were observed in the control group, although regression was also noted (not observed in the experimental group), while in the case of 11th graders, the experimental group showed greater changes and a higher degree of development. Contrary to assumptions, correlation analysis indicates that resilience is more closely associated with moral orientation than self-control, but the closest relationship is between problematic smartphone usage and moral orientation. The results raise further questions, and due to the limited data and methodological challenges, further research is necessary to explore the moral aspects of smartphone usage.


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