Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)

Árpádian Age Maces from the Territory of the Jászság

Zsolt Zsombor Felber
Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Folia Humanistica et Socialia 1(2) 2023

Published 31-12-2023 — Updated on 11-06-2024


The objective of this essay was the publication of five newly found stray mace head findings, that I attempted to interpret in the light of the settlement history of their finding locations. Besides the description, classification, dating and photo-documentation of the maces, I also tried to evaulate the findings, for which I believed it was important to examine this type of weapons’ emergence, appearance in the Middle Ages. The finding locations of the maces from the Jászság provide us some important information that the objects do not tell us by themselves, which is why a survey of the finding locations’ settlement history is a significant part of the essay. Although the results obtained do not provide concrete evidence, they shed light on certain historical events and their consequences, such as the Mongol invasion in our case, or they provide assumptions about the history of settlments of the researched territory, like that the settlement of Pechenegs or Cumans in the Jászság cannot be proven. Based on these, and other earlier discussed examples, it was possible to make a hypothesises about the interpretation of the group of findings.


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