Megjelent 2023-12-23
- Rákóczi-szabadságharc,
- London Gazette,
- Daily Courant,
- Daniel Defoe
Copyright (c) 2024 Gergő Hegedüs

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The present study is intended to examine the early English reports of the Rákóczi’s War of Independence by evaluating the witnesses of The Daily Courant, The London Gazette and the edition of Daniel Defoe’s A Weekly Review of the Affairs of France, particularly the issues published between 1703 and 1704. Exceptional attention shall be paid to the specificities of early eighteenth century English press culture as well as to the functioning of the information network of the various newspapers and the active role played by the English ambassadors in Vienna. The analysis of the veracity of the information contained in such journals and the study of the various names given to Rákóczi’s followers shall be of special importance, which could also reflect firm political positions. The Daily Courant and The London Gazette sought to report on the rapid growth of the number of insurgents and their quick expansion as well as the accession of those with considerable combat experience. They also reported on the reasons they believed to be behind the outbreak of the freedom struggle and whether or not such intentions were justified.
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