Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Elitek, udvarházak, kastélyok és paloták életvilágai (Lebenswelten)

From the Yeast Factory to the Archive: The History of the Schneider Palace

Nóra Szekér
Állambiztonsági Szoltálatok Történeti Levéltára, Tudományos Főosztály, Tudományos és Közművelődési Kapcsolatok Osztálya — tudományos kutató

Published 2024

How to Cite

Szekér, N. (2024). From the Yeast Factory to the Archive: The History of the Schneider Palace. Axis – Journal of Religious History and the History of Ideas, 5(1), 143–158. https://doi.org/10.61176/Axis.2024.5.1.9


Today, the Historical Archive of the State Security operates in the building located at 7 Eötvös utca, which preserves and handles the documents of the former State Security Organizations, dating from the period between 21 December 1944, and 14 February 1990. However, the building came into contact with the political police not only indirectly, through the preserving of documents, but also in a much more direct way, as the Political Police Department operated here for a short time immediately after the war. The history of the building dates back much further, to the Fin de siècle period. The building permit for the palace in Terézváros was issued in 1878, and its 146-year history from the era of Dual Monarchy gives an exciting picture of Hungary’s history and social life. The study aims to provide insight into the historical changes reflected in the fate of the architect, the owners and the palace itself.