Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): A természet elemei a világ vallásaiban: víz, ásványok, kőzetek és fémek

“Silver and Gold” and the Main Metals that were Mentioned in the Hebrew Bible

Laura Tashman
University of Szeged Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Published 2023

How to Cite

Tashman, L. (2023). “Silver and Gold” and the Main Metals that were Mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. Axis – Journal of Religious History and the History of Ideas, 4(2), 93–102. https://doi.org/10.61176/Axis.2023.4.2.7


Using metals to produce objects to be used was not introduced to the land of Israel before the Chalcolithic period. This resulted in an enormous revolution in the culture, along with the technological method of processing these metals, this development helped with evolving the techniques of extracting it, exporting or importing smelting, and forming it into usable objects. Metals were used in everyday objects, as well as in making idols -This was a forbidden practice the Jews-, and buildings. The malleable metals that have been processed in the land of Israel were gold, silver, iron, copper, bronze, tin, and lead (Ezek 27,12).