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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission files are in Microsoft Word (.doc) and PDF document file format.
  • References with a DOI include the DOI in the bibliography.
  • Regardless of the language of the paper, an English title and an English abstract are required.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Please send the manuscript in .doc (Microsoft Word) and pdf format by email to

In all cases, please provide an English translation of the title of the article and a short English summary.

Please use italics for the titles of works cited in the main text and for in-text highlights.

Please include a bibliography with the article.
In the case of Internet references, please indicate the date of download.
Studies written by the same author in the same year should be separated by a, b, c (1940a).
For references with DOI, please indicate the DOI identifier in the bibliography. Search for DOI identifiers: Rules of displaying the DOI identifier:


The format of the bibliography (literature used) should be as follows:

For a stand-alone volume:
Family name Given name (please use whole given names in all cases)
     Year Volume title. Place of publication: Publisher
E.g. Durkheim, Émile
           2003   A vallási élet elemi formái. Budapest: L’Harmattan

For a collection of studies:
Family name Given name (please use whole given names in all cases)
     Year Title. In Editor: Volume title. Pages. Place of publication: Publisher, pages
E.g. Tomka Miklós – Révay Edit
           1998   Papok, férfi szerzetesek, apácák. In Kolosi Tamás – Tóth István György – Vukovich György (eds) Társadalmi riport. Budapest: TÁRKI, 216-234.

In the case of a journal:
Family name Given name (please use whole given names in all cases)
     Year Title. Journal title. Volume. Number. Pages.
E.g. Leach, Edmund R.
           2000   Ritualizáció az emberben; annak kapcsolata a fogalmi és társadalmi fejlődéssel. Kultúra és közösség 2000/II-III. szám, 39-49.

Small capitals: cursor on word, ctrl+shift+K.


The manuscript is 20.000-40.000 characters long.

Please include the author's name, position, academic degree, email address and ORCID.

References and comments should be in footnotes. Reference: Family name Year: Page (E.g.: Durkheim 2003: 56),


The length of the review is 5000-6000 characters.

Reviews of books (in Hungarian or foreign languages) published in the last five years are welcome.

Literary references should be given in-text (Family name Year: Page) (E.g.: Durkheim 2003: 56), and footnotes should be used for comments.   

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.