V. 23 N. 1 (2022)

Une représentation du tourisme en Algérie coloniale : Clovis Dardentor de Jules Verne

Dorottya Mihályi
Université de Szeged

Pubblicato 04-07-2022

Come citare

Mihályi, D. (2022). Une représentation du tourisme en Algérie coloniale : Clovis Dardentor de Jules Verne. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 23(1), 121–137. Recuperato da https://ojs.ppke.hu/verbum/article/view/235


In the late 19th century, France as a colonizer took advantage of the popularity of touristic travels to diffuse colonial propaganda. The organizers of tourism developed local infrastructure in favour of the comfort and well-being of the travellers. Through travelogues written by fascinated tourists, they hoped to influence the public opinion, which was indifferent towards the colonial enterprise. Our study aims to present how Jules Verne reflects by means of his novel called Clovis Dardentor on the habits and behaviour of 19th-century tourists, as well as on the main characters of colonial tourism at the service of the propaganda. We also intend to compare the content of Verne’s novel to real travelogues to illustrate how realistic he described the mentality of tourists and their attitude towards the society they lived in.