V. 23 N. 2 (2022): Vestigia II Research – Documents Related to Hungary from Mantua, Modena and Milan
Vestigia II Research

Le prime lettere di Taddeo Lardi dall’Ungheria (1487–1499)

György Domokos
Università Cattolica Péter Pázmány, Gruppo di Ricerca “Vestigia”

Pubblicato 02-08-2022

Come citare

Domokos, G. (2022). Le prime lettere di Taddeo Lardi dall’Ungheria (1487–1499). Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 23(2), 421–432. Recuperato da https://ojs.ppke.hu/verbum/article/view/188


The article aims to give an overview of the activity of Taddeo Lardi, a servant of the Este court in Ferrara, who accompanied in 1487 the eight-year-old Ippolito d’Este to the Hungarian court. During his first stay (or first two stays) in the Kingdom of Hungary (1487–1499), Lardi had important charges at the young archbishop’s court, and his letters testify his overall interest towards the land where he returned to again after some years and where he died in 1512.