Évf. 24 szám 2 (2023): Au carrefour des arts et de la nature
Au carrefour des arts et de la nature

Le retour à la nature à travers le sacrifice: Médée (1969) de Pier Paolo Pasolini

Andrea Grassi
Université de Franche-Comté

Megjelent 2023-12-29

Hogyan kell idézni

Grassi, A. (2023). Le retour à la nature à travers le sacrifice: Médée (1969) de Pier Paolo Pasolini. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 24(2), 279–297. https://doi.org/10.59533/Verb.2023.24.2.4


Pasolini’s resumption of the ancient myth of Medea aims to understand where we have come from and to alert us to the dangers of what has been lost. In fact, Medea was released in the time of the miracolo economico, during which a big part of the Italian landscape was completely disfigured by uncontrolled industrial development. At the same time, the legalisation of abortion and divorce – two subjects against which Pasolini always took a reactionary stance – were also beginning to be discussed in Italy. Life, in these new profane societies, risks being as useless as it is empty. Hence Pasolini’s provocation: what if Medea’s sacrifice of her children, instead of responding to a vengeful crisis, reveals in fact an act of supreme love reaffirming a secret, but also more natural, equality between life and death?


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