Vol. 12 No 2 (2010)

Sintassi latina e sintassi volgare nello specchio del sistema glossatorio medievale

Alma Huszthy
Università Cattolica Pázmány Péter

Publiée 04/18/2011


  • Gospel translation,
  • glosses,
  • Neo-Latin syntax

Comment citer

Huszthy, A. (2011). Sintassi latina e sintassi volgare nello specchio del sistema glossatorio medievale. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 12(2), 503–516. https://doi.org/10.1556/Verb.12.2010.2.21


The paper focuses on a vernacular Tuscanian Gospel translation from the Middle Ages which was transmitted on by five testimonies. We will discuss the system of glosses in the text of the translation, which, due to their spontaneity, presumably reflects the linguistic environment in which the translator lived and worked. This translating method was particularly popular in the Middle Ages; however, it is still difficult to find the direct source of the glosses: this obscurity makes the linguistic analysis of the text and glosses indispensable. Our hypothesis is that the text of glosses - originating from a Neo-Latin linguistic system - reflects a later stage of the language, while the translation from Latin into Italian contains grammatical traits which are related to a Latin syntactic model.